Welcome to the Food Service Department. If you have any questions during the school year, please contact the elementary school at (607) 525-6301 or the high school at (607) 792-3675.
PLEASE NOTE: The monthly menus are now located on the link, GST BOCES Food Service
Check out this website for menus, free and reduced lunch applications and so much more....
Did you know that you can put money on your child's account online? Just go to the link PayForIt, click on sign up in the upper left-hand corner and create an account. Please note that you will need your child's ID number when signing up. If you don't know this number, you can call the cafeteria in your child's building and they can provide that to you.
Wellness Policy
School Food Service Program for Lunch and Breakfast and Food Service Charging Policy (Anti-Lunch Shaming Policy)