• Contact information for key personnel within the district...

    Jason Oliver
    Superintendent of Schools
    2661 State Route 248
    Greenwood, NY 14839
    (607) 792-3690

    Mr. Adam Button
    School Business Official

    2661 State Route 248
    Greenwood, NY 14839
    (607) 792-3690

    Mrs. Kate Ross
    Secretary to the Superintendent & Tax Collector
    2661 State Route 248
    Greenwood, NY 14839
    (607) 792-3690

    Mr. Troy Terry
    Personnel/District Clerk
    2661 State Route 248
    Greenwood, NY 14839
    (607) 792-3690

    Mrs. Jane Hall
    Curriculum and Instruction Coordinator
    2661 State Route 248
    Greenwood, NY 14839
    (607) 792-3690

    Mrs. Kerry Davis
    High School Principal
    2661 State Route 248
    Greenwood, NY 14839
    (607) 792-3690

    Mrs. Jill Risley
    High School Principal Secretary
    2661 State Route 248
    Greenwood, NY 14839
    (607) 792-3690 

    Mr. Brian McCaffrey
    Elementary Principal
    908 State Route 36
    Troupsburg, NY 14885
    (607) 525-6301

    Mrs. Cindy Flint
    Elementary Principal Secretary
    908 State Route 36
    Troupsburg, NY 14885
    (607) 525-6301 

    Mr. Robert Cornish
    Transportation Supervisor
    3754 State Route 36
    Jasper, NY 14855
    (607) 792-3372

    Mr. Louis Zver
    Director of Facilities II
    2661 State Route 248
    Greenwood, NY 14839
    (607) 792-3690

    Mr. Christopher Jordan
    Athletic Director
    908 State Route 36
    Troupsburg, NY  14885
    (607) 525-6301

    Mr. Dylan Penner
    Maintainer of Website & Instructional Coach for Educational Technology
    2661 State Route 248
    Greenwood, NY 14839
    (607) 792-3690


    You may also email information and/or questions to info@jtcsd.org and it will be distributed to the appropriate person.